Tully Barnett


Tully Barnett is a Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. She is a DECRA Fellow (2019-2022) for the project “Digitization and the Immersive Reading Experience”. She is a Chief Investigator for ARC Linkage project “Meaningfully Reporting the Value of Culture”, part of the Laboratory Adelaide: The Value of Culture project looking for qualitative and quantitative methodologies for measuring and reporting the intangible and non-financial benefits of cultural activities, institutions and events, with collaborators Julian Meyrick and Robert Phiddian. She is the co-author of What Matters? Talking Value in Australian Culture (2018, Monash University Publishing).  She serves on the advisory board of the Australasian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres (ACHRC) and the executive committee of the Australasian Association of Digital Humanities (aaDH).

Selected Works

  • Barnett, T., Cothren, A., & Arciuli, J. (2024). A history of arts and health in South Australia: Policy and practice. Journal of Applied Arts and Health15(1), 23-36. 

  • Peters, S., & Barnett, T. (2024). Preparing Artists to Save the World: Community-Engaged Arts Practice as Critical Pedagogy. Critical Arts. Advance online publication. 