Mirwan Andan


Mirwan Andan is part of ruangrupa (Jakarta) and co-founder and the artistic director of Riwanua (Makassar). He went to Islamic boarding school for six years in Watampone and Makassar, then continued to study French Literature at Unhas, Makassar (1999- 2004), and graduated from Comparative Politics, Universitas Indonesia, Depok/Jakarta (2008-2012) then Southeast Asian Studies, Universitas Indonesia. In 2005, he moved to Jakarta and joined ruangrupa in 2006.

His book editorial works include 20Kuldesak: Networking, Rebelling, Maneuvering, Moving (Kuldesak Network, 2018); Hilmar Farid’s Perang Suara: Bahasa dan Politik Pergerakan (Komunitas Bambu, 2023). He participated events, including: Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership Training (Paris, 2007); Enhancing Asia-Europe Meeting Visibility Through Cultural Visibility (Halong Bay, 2010); State Independence – A Global Forum in Alternative Space (Los Angeles, 2011); Berlin Meeting, Responsibility of Religions for Peace (Berlin, 2018); International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) On Demand (Washington D.C., Detroit, Pasadena, 2019).

He is invited as a speaker in several forums, symposium, lecture sessions and seminars, among others: Netherlands Institute in Morocco, NIMAR (Rabat, 2024), MFA Creative Practice student’s advisor, Transart in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University, (2023-2024), Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (2024), March Meeting 2024, Sharjah Art Foundation (Sharjah UAE, 2024), Is It Art That Remains (To Be Seen)? Khoj International Artists’ Association (New Delhi, 2023); Planétarium #10 at Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2022); Symposium on Socially Engage Art organized by FEINART Network of University of Wolverhampton-UK, University of Edinburgh-UK, Zeppelin University-Germany University of Iceland-Iceland (Reykjavík, 2022); Guest Lecturer, Post-Graduate Programme in Curating, Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK (Zurich, 2023); Curatorial Practice Class at NYU Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, 2021); Faculty of Art, Music and Design, Birzeit University, Palestine (2021); Asian Maps Program: Is There Still a Future for Contemporary Art Practices? Casa Asia (Madrid, 2020); Curator’s Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops (Taipei, 2019); Asia Art Forum (Seoul, 2010).

From 2016-2018, he worked as the advisor for the General Director of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture. Since 2014, he has begun to commute from Makassar to Jakarta for family matters. In 2018 with his fellow researchers and cultural activist, he founded Riwanua, a project initiative based in Makassar.

From early 2019, with ruangrupa, he is part of the artistic team of documenta fifteen that took place in Kassel, Germany, 2022.

CoLab Presentations


Andan, M. (2011). All for Jakarta – a note on the tenth anniversary of ruangrupa: Decompression #10, Expanding the Space and PublicInter-Asia Cultural Studies12(4), 591–602.