Julia Ramírez-Blanco


Julia Ramírez-Blanco is senior researcher (Ramón y Cajal contract) at Madrid´s Complutense University. Her interdisciplinary work connects art history, utopian studies, and activist movements. She is author of the books Artistic Utopias of Revolt (Palgrave, 2018), 15M. El tiempo de las plazas (Alianza, 2021), and Amigos, disfraces y comunas (Cátedra, 2022), La ciudad del Sol, Le mouvement 15M entre formes et performances (Éditions Lorelei, 2023).


CoLab Projects

Mapping Artistic Activism (MAAP)
Researcher and Member of the Steering Committee

CoLab Presentations

November 17, 2022
Prefiguring Other Possible Worlds: Performative Communities in Recent Social Movements

Selected Bibliography

Open Acess Publications